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钙钛矿在光伏器件中表现出许多优异的光物理特 性,例如低激子结合能[1] 、长电荷载流子扩散长度[2] 和高 吸收系数[3] 。因此,有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池 的光电转换效率快速增长,目前已认证的最高效率达到 了26.1%[4] ,从而成为光伏研究领域的一匹黑马。
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Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have achieved remarkable progress in the past decade and become the most powerful challenger of traditional silicon photovoltaics. Among the many designs, bifacial PSCs have received widespread attention these days due to their ability to fully utilize environmental reflection and scattering light to enhance energy yield. They also can provide better aesthetic design for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs). However, the potential of bifacial PSCs is not limited to these traditional applications. Importantly, such architecture also serves as a universal component for multijunction cells and photon engineering, which are both critical for further efficiency improvement. In this review, the requirements of different functional layers under various applications are described in detail, starting from the structure of bifacial PSCs. The application developments are introduced, including albedo utilization, semitransparent PSCs (ST-PSCs), TSCs. The present issues (such as stability, large area, recombination of carriers at the back electrode and toxicity etc.) and the extra challenges of bifacial PSCs are highlighted. It is hoped that this review can provide new ideas for the future development and further improve the competitiveness of PSCs.
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随着全世界对能源的需求量越来越大,石油、煤炭、天 然气等传统能源的储量越来越少,对新型能源的需求不断增 长。在新型能源中,太阳能由于其清洁、可再生的特性,受 到广泛关注。太阳能电池的发展,经历了第 1 代晶硅太阳能 电池、第 2 代薄膜太阳能电池,来到第 3 代的新概念太阳能 电池。
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钙钛矿接力成为第三代电池技术,发展潜力巨大。钙钛矿电池利用钙钛矿结构材料作为吸 光材料,属于第三代高效薄膜电池。钙钛矿电池与组件呈现一体器件特征,制作工序一体 化。前道电池制作主要是在玻璃基板上制作钙钛矿电池各功能层,并利用激光将电池片划 分为若干子电池,形成串联结构;后道组件封装则是利用胶膜、TCO玻璃等将内部结构密 封保护,并安装接线盒与外部电路连接的设备。钙钛矿电池所需的生产设备主要有镀膜设 备、涂布设备、激光设备、封装设备四类,其中镀膜设备价值量占比最高。目前钙钛矿技 术尚处于产业化初期阶段,技术路线未定型,多种路径并存。
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